Buy Art Carter’s ” Texture, Freedom Rains & Unbound” Today!

I’m glad that you have chosen to buy “Texture” , “Freedom Rains” or my my first album, “Unbound”. I have put a lot of time, effort, and passion into recording all these albums and am so excited that you have decided to give them a try.
I hope that they will bring you many hours of enjoyment. Whether it’s toe-tapping, boot-stomping time or time for a slow dance with the love of your life, it is my dream that you will be dancing to my music.
Please be sure to email me at and let me know what you think of my music.
Again, thanks for buying Texture, Freedom Rains & UNBOUND, and supporting my dream.
Yours truly,
Art Carter

Purchase Art Carter “Texture” CD, by clicking on the button below to pay with your credit card or pay pal account for $22. “Texture” ($15.00 + $7.00S&H)

Purchase Art Carter “Freedom Rains” CD, by clicking on the button below to pay with your credit card or pay pal account for $19. “Freedom Rains” ($12.00 + $7.00S&H)

Purchase Art Carter “UNBOUND” CD, by clicking on the button below to pay with your credit card or pay pal account for $17. “Unbound” ($10.00 + $7.00S&H)